Everything can be optimized

Hi - my name is Anthony Karahalios. In Fall 2020, I started in the Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ACO) PhD program at Carnegie Mellon University. I am very fortunate to be advised by the wonderful Willem-Jan van Hoeve.

I research exact methods for solving discrete optimization problems. I model these problems with tools from Integer Programming and Decision Diagrams / Dynamic Programming. I develop algorithms to solve these models and study their computational performance. In my research, I have solved benchmark instances and real-world instances of vehicle routing problems, scheduling problems, picking problems in Amazon fulfillment centers, and a humanitarian logistics problem in Turkiye.

I intend to graduate in May 2025, and I am currently on the Academic Job Market.

My hobbies include chess, dance, poetry, athletics, podcasting, and piano.

Thanks for visiting! Feel free to reach out!